Staff Activities
  • 29
    29,2016[CHINANEWS ] Brexit Would Increase the Opportunity of Establishing Free Trade Protocol with Asia
    Prof. Edward K. Y. Chen
    On July 29, Professor Edward K. Y. Chen was a guest speaker at the Forum on“Economic Impact of Brexit on China and Asia”organised by HKU SPACE Executive Academy (SEA) and China Daily. Professor Chen analysed the current situation in macro and micro perspective. He believes that Brexit would generate more economic development opportunities and regional cooperation via the Belt and Road initiative which will benefit China. Hong Kong could play an important role of the hub in the process of the Belt and Road construction. It could also collaboratively develop with London in professional services, especially in financial services. More
  • 04
    04,2016[ Hong Kong Commercial Daily ] No Need to Worry about Fierce Competition, Shenzhen + Hong Kong 1+1=4
    Prof. Edward K. Y. Chen
    ‘Rely on Hong Kong, service mainland, open towards the world’ is the duty given to Qianhai by the central government. Many years later, although Qianhai is no longer an unfamiliar name to Hong Kong people, there still lack a defined concept on what role Qianhai will be playing and how much impact it can carry out. The Hong Kong Commercial Daily interviewed our president Prof. Edward K Y Chen regarding this issue. As a research fellow committed to the Shenzhen – Hong Kong cooperation studies, his understanding of Qianhai may provide us with some new thoughts regarding this issue. More
  • 08
    08,2015[ China Business News ] Qianhai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong are the Most Energetic Places
    Prof. Edward K. Y. Chen
    While interviewed by China Business News, Prof. Edward K Y Chen stated that there is no other place in the world that combines the innovative spirit of Shenzhen, Qianhai’s policies and Hong Kong’s experience and talents. Therefore it’s a great opportunity to cooperate. Qianhai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong are the places most capable of gathering energy. But this effect has yet to take place, it requires further communication in terms of how Qianhai can further coordinate with Hong Kong. The key element that caused Qianhai to not be an adequate attraction to Hong Kong people is still openness – conservative quota, unsatisfied infrastructure construction process and transportation support. More
  • 22
    22,2015[ CGCC Vision ] “One Belt and One Road” Critical to Shared - prosperity in the Region
    Prof. Edward K. Y. Chen
    The ‘Belt and Road’ is a Chinese sustainable development strategy, plus the subsequent establishment of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in coordinate with the strategy. It not only becomes a new focal point of Chinese economic growth, but also drives the mutual success of countries alongside the ‘Belt and Road’ and further showcases China on the international arena. More
  • 01
    01,2015[ Hong Kong Economic Times ] Qianhai Plays Economic and Strategic Role
    Prof. Edward K. Y. Chen
    Prof. Edward K Y Chen accurately predicted the proliferation of four rising powers of Asia in the 1970s. He now thinks that Qianhai, to the central government, plays both important economic and strategic roles while acting as a financing platform for the ‘Belt and Road’ project and a counterweight to America’s attempt to assert dominance in Asia. In the interview with Hong Kong Economic Times, he pointed out Qianhai was permitted to put foreign currency external debt into trial use last month, as well as lendable cross-border RMB loan service, which was ahead of Shanghai. All of these are proofs of Qianhai's status. More
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